Things of interest to fan filmmakers...
Here are things every fan filmmaker can use.
HOMEMADE HOLLYWOOD - The definitive history of fan films. We've been waiting our whole lives for this.
USING THE FORCE - Will Brooker's highly extensive text on Star Wars fans and their expressions of creativity. Fan films are discussed at length.
TEXTUAL POACHERS - Not really fan film related, but it's a detailed study of fan culture and what fans do to participate in their favorite television world. Fan media is discussed.
FAN CULTURES - Take one guess.
THE ADORING AUDIENCE - "Fan culture and popular media". Very academic essays from a variety of sources about the relationship between fan and media, including fan-produced media. Not for the fainthearted.
Buy the Star Wars movies themselves on DVD!
And then, of course, a few movies that are sort of like professional fan films. Yay!